Gardena plumber who lost $30,000 worth of tools frustrated with crime laws

A Southern California plumber whose work van and $30,000 worth of tools were stolen is frustrated after the suspect

who was arrested, was immediately released.

The victim, Robert Powell, is still out of work and doesn’t know how long it’ll take to replace his stolen tools and equipment.

The theft happened on March 28 as home surveillance cameras captured the brazen theft outside his Gardena home.

“At 4:30 a.m., they came and took it,” Powell said, on the verge of tears.

“It’s hard to replace $30,000 worth of equipment that has taken you 10 years to accumulate.”

Video shows two suspects in an SUV pulling up to Powell’s work van, breaking into it and driving it away.

Later that morning, the van was found abandoned in South Gate.

Later that morning, the van was found abandoned in South Gate.